Wednesday, November 26, 2008

V vents on the Immigration department...

Immigration department denies German doctor permanent residency...

Bernhard Moeller, a specialist physician, moved his family to Horsham, in Victoria's west, two years ago to help fill a doctor shortage. But the Immigration department in their infinite wisdom denied his residency because his 13 year old son has down syndrome, stating he would be a potential drain on the health system.

You Cannot Be Serious!!!

Let's be generous to the good folks at Immigration and suggest that Dr Moeller's son needs to see a doctor once a week for a standard 15 minute consultation. This is obviously absurd but humour me for a moment. While Dr Moeller works 10plus hour days 5-6days a week. Some basic maths suggests that if Dr Moeller's son saw a doctor every week for a year he would require 13hrs of a doctor's time a year. Where as Dr Moeller would work a conservative 3000hrs in the same year to the benefit of the Australian health care system.

Fairly one sided already, Dr Moeller and his family are putting in ALOT more than they could possibly take out. And could I propose a fairly wild proposition. Dr Moeller is not an accountant or a banker, he doesn't weld to the best of my knowledge and I'm sure he is still working on his shelf packing abilities. But what he appears to do very well is, errrr, doctoring. Would it not be plausible to suggest he would be treating his own son most of the time. Crazy tin hat theory I know, but just something immigration might have overlooked.

Another aspect that bothers me, the good Doc's son has Down Syndrome. He is not HIV positive bi polar sufferer, in a wheelchair requiring a triple transplant. And so what if he was.
Paula Sage won the Best Actress BAFTA for her role in the 2003 motion picture, Afterlife, Paula has Down syndrome. How many of the clever folks at immigration have BAFTA's???

There is so much to be angry about with this decision, another aspect that Immi. seems to have overlooked, the chronic shortage of doctors in rural and regional Australia. And where did the good German Dr. set up, Mosman, The Gold Coast, Toorak? No country Victoria where doctors are desperately needed.

You don't need to be from the bush to know you wait days to see a doctor and if you read the papers you know our hospitals are down the toilet, our medical staff over worked and Australian's the nation over are crying out for care. So what do the good folks at Immigration whose job it is to see we recruit the best from overseas to fill the current voids do when a doctor fills one of the gaps in regional medicine. They try deport him... YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!!

I don't like to be mean or even get personal, but our tax dollars pay these idiots a wage. So I want the name of the person who made this decision. And next time they are sick and need to see a doctor. Back of the line for you! You have to wait till every last Australian has received the care they need before you get yours because you obviously don't think we need doctors here now do you? Oh and you are now banned from calling 000, going to the emergency ward, claiming Medicare, benefiting from the PBS and heaven forbid you need the SES to move a tree for you. Do it yourself!!!

What did you want little Mr Immigration man, the doctor to stay and send his family back to Germany? Are you serious? Someone should be deported alright and your level of mental capacity suggests you sir are the drain on the health system, infact I would suggest you are a drain on all public services, the tax payer and our diminishing supply of oxygen.
Next time you make one of these decisions, please review it and reverse it. Whatever decision you made, reverse it. You will obviously have gotten it wrong the first time.

To make matters worse on appeal the MRT, Migration review tribunal, upheld the decision of the department. Let me guess we pay these cardigan brigade $100k each to make decisions like this. I know you say things that are blatantly unacceptable when you vent but would it be wrong not to brake when one of these idiots was crossing the road? No I take that back, with insurance premiums the way they are it wouldn't be worth the excess.

Thankfully the Immigration Minister overturned the decision and will allow Dr Moeller and his family to stay...
"It was clear to me that Dr Moeller and his family are making a very valuable contribution to their local community," Senator Evans told the Senate.
"Dr Moeller is providing a much needed service in the area, the family have integrated very well and they have substantial community support." Their continued presence in Australia will be beneficial to our society, he said. "I'm pleased they have chosen to call Australia home," he said. Senator Evans expressed his regret at the stress the family had been subjected to throughout their application process.

Well blow me down, some common sense that should have been obvious to even the most dopey of immigration department workers. Now if the Minister will just rid himself of his own stress thanks to this matter by inserting his size 12's up the rear of the nit wit who made this decision we could all feel just a little better.

And what did this whole sworded affair cost the tax payer to resolve with what should have been a simple stroke of a pen? My guess more than Dr Moeller's sons medical bills will ever amount to.

How do these people keep their jobs when hard working folks loose theirs after working for the same company for 30 years? The silence of us, Joe public!!! (not Joe the plumber, he dear friends is a lying toad) Well that silence ends now...

V 4 Venting is here...

Department of Immigration... YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!!